"Pool of Light"

"Pool of Light",  University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094
"Pool of Light"
I collected a rock from Killiney Hill beach and made a bronze replica with the front surface carved out as a pool. A hot patina of Phero Cyanide & Copper Nitrate was used to create a marbled royal blue effect on the body of the piece and the carved was left bronze. I was inspired by Hawking's Theory on radiation which proved that when matter enters the event horizon of a black hole the protons split and a double version of the matter radiates out into the universe. It made me muse on the idea that universe is reflected in everything and we are all a part of it, every river, ocean, rock, body, cell. All that matter existing since the big bang, never to be created or destroyed.

University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094 (CEAD1013 Bronze Casting as a Sculptural Process)    20 x 15 x 5    €400.00   


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