
Instructions for labelling your work

Labeling is needed for drop-off, hanging and collection purposes. 

All work must be clearly labelled to show!

Use ONLY the labels on the ArtCall site when you log-in. Each submission has a "Print Label" button, which will give you a printable label for your piece and a matching claim ticket for retrieving your piece. Use your browser print function to print this label to the size appropriate for you. 

Cut out the label.

Please add an arrow to the label indicating "up" direction to be used as a guide for hanging if it is not obvious what way the work is to be displayed (i.e. abstract pieces).

Notebooks: Please print a copy of one of your labels--the most appropriate one--for your notebook(s) and clearly mark "NOTEBOOK" on the label & claim ticket.

2D work: A label should be stuck securely to the back of the work. If submitting work in a portfolio, the portfolio should also be labelled with the student’s name and the number of works submitted. Ensure that all works submitted in portfolios are individually labelled on each work.

3D work:  Two labels are required. One should be stuck to the underside of the 3D work and a second label which can be read without lifting the work itself.

Labels may be tied-on if appropriate to the piece

Give us an hour and Volunteer!

The NCAD Evening Students Exhibition is for all CEAD students and run by the evening students. We are all volunteers here, trying our best to put together everything so please consider volunteering an hour of your time to help. I can guarantee you will find it very rewarding.

CEAD ESU Instagram can be found here, keep an eye on it for the exhibition promotion!