Infinite Transience

Infinite Transience,  University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094
Infinite Transience
Jesmonite castings of tulips in the planes of time.

Different lifetimes are in this chaotic but ordered dance of energies between each other. That one thing becomes the next and so, we are living in this simulation of iteration. Time appears to be continuous, unbreakable and in motion. Once born, we are entombed in this momentum. However, perhaps in existing we are part of the whole span of time, rather than in this finite cassette tape moment. In this way, there is a softness to the edges of life, where we are both so insignificant in time as to not exist and simultaneously, as infinite as time itself.

University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094 (CEAD1013 Bronze Casting as a Sculptural Process)    302 x 228 x 35    €280.00   


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