Flow of Ribbons - 1

Flow of Ribbons - 1,  University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094
Flow of Ribbons - 1
This design concept is inspired by the elegance of geometric shapes, seamlessly integrating elements from the natural world, traditional art, and mathematical geometry. It captures the calming effect of water ripples, the graceful flow of ribbons in traditional Chinese female attire, and the intriguing endless cycle and twist found in the Möbius strip. The essence of this design revolves around the notions of fluidity, grace, and motion.

The focal point of the design is the dynamic movement and delicate flow of ribbons, as seen in apparel. This inspiration is brought to life through the meticulous arrangement of intertwined silver lines, which mimic the layered textures of ribbons and the gentle undulations of water waves. The design aims to evoke a sense of weightlessness and airiness, achieved through careful manipulation of rotation and bending, embodying the serene and continuous flow of natural and conceptual elements.

University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094 (CEAD1012 Jewellery and Object Design )    8 x 8 x 3    €550.00   


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