Balancing Grief

Balancing Grief , Non-Credit Courses
Balancing Grief
Bronze sculpture made in response to feelings around Grief. At the time I was also looking at the book of Kells as I was fascinated with the page of the 4 evangelists when I was a child and wanted to revist that curiosity. I had been making work using inspiration from the composition and position of the four icons. Knowing the sculpture looks completely different, I drew inspiration from the Ox on its back in what looks like a state of shock it formed my base in creating this falling/balancing figure in bronze. It conveys the sense of unknown in a time of turbulence when someone you know and love suddenly passes. There is a huge shift in how you find your place In the world going with the tumbles of Grief and learning how to balance yourself again even if it's not how you expected. I hand built this sculpture from scratch using clay and it was definitely a very challenging form to approach for my first ever bronze sculpture. I really enjoyed the whole process.

Non-Credit Courses (S302 Constructing Sculpture through Bronze Casting )    24 x 11 x 36    €3,800.00   


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