Self portrait as adult

Self portrait as adult ,  University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094
Self portrait as adult
Oil and acrylics of wood board
With these two introspective self portraits I wanted to explore the evolution of identity through various symbols and metaphors. Both are set in stylised landscapes. Both costumes are meaningful, like skins of different stages of life, illustrating the internal experience of growth versus the external expectations placed upon us as we age. With the bunny costume I wanted to emphasise the nurturing aspect of adulthood. With the presence of the doll as the unifying element I wanted to suggest continuity and the lasting impact of childhood on one’s identity. It’s also our inner child that remains constant despite the external challenges. I wanted to create an accessible narrative while still allowing for personal interpretation of the symbols based on individual experience.

University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094 (CEAD1009 Painting & Visual Research, )    50 x 70    €600.00   


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