Face no.1

Face no.1,  University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094
Face no.1
In the search of the identity I created a series of ceramic masks. Who am I? What 'personas' I use in life? What if my face changes, degrades - am I still me? Who hides behind the 'facade'?
The sculptural pieces are the result of manipulating clay pieces that came out of my own face mould. I was interested in distortion effect, camouflage and decay. I have been working surrounded by the shocking news of wars, where people are bombarded, their bodies deformed and dying under the rubble, which I believe inspired my work. I played with the idea of the death mask, as well as the role of a mask in the indigenous cultures.
I like to work intuitively with clay. Without expectations of certain results, but my hands rather unveil what is already hidden within the block of clay, what wants to speak. I enjoy working with textures and experimenting with glazing effects.

University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094 (CEAD1010 Ceramics)    28 x 20 x 5    €150.00   


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