Across the Valley (Tyrol 4)

Across the Valley (Tyrol 4), Non-Credit Courses
Across the Valley (Tyrol 4)

Acrylic on canvas

This Alpine scene,
glimpsed from a
train in September,
contains memories
of Summer.

Inspiration: When I
was a child I spent
my Summers gazing
at fields wilder
and more remote
than these. Each
had its own
I added the girl to
complete the scene.
Now each landscape
I encounter
provides a different
form of escape.

Learning Experience:
The background
forest on the right
was rendered in
opaque paint from
dark to light.
Using the opposite
method, I painted
the midground
trees on the left
with transparent
colours from light
to dark.

Non-Credit Courses (DP107 Painting Processes Intermediate )    40 x 50 x 1.5   


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