Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony

Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony ,  University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094
Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony
This piece is the culmination of a project across two academic terms and is based on Beethoven's Third Symphony. At the time of writing music for this symphony, Beethoven was informed that he was losing his hearing and the loss would be permanent and incurable. The piece is a prism from which to portray the raw emotions of pain, struggle, and triumph. The artist has a chronic illness and Beethoven's story resonated deeply. Motivated by storytelling and using character as a tool, the work invites viewers to connect with the challenges of another human, fostering empathy. Although we are all travelling different paths, we share struggles and challenges and the sculpture aims to transcend the individual to resonate with a wider audience. In the hands of the artist, life's challenges, emotions and triumphs become an expression of the universal human experience and the connection created from embracing our shared vulnerabilities.
The piece is in two parts, a 2D mask using ink, charcoal, pencil, thread, cotton and oil pastel, on greaseproof paper, behind a 3D mask made using plastic from single-use household vessels. The circularity of the plastic material was a key consideration of the artist. Both pieces are vulnerably held by dark thread that is almost invisible against a dark background.

University Certificate in Visual Arts Practice AD094 (CEAD1006 Sculpture & Drawing)    26 x 41 x 12    €120.00   


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