New York, New York

New York, New York, Non-Credit Courses
New York, New York
Title: New York, New York
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Painted Location: Central Park, New York, USA
This painting captures a serene winter scene of Central Park blanketed in snow, brought to life with expressive painterly brushstrokes. The canvas depicts the park's tranquil beauty, with its snow-covered trees and pathways creating a picturesque landscape. The soft, muted tones of the snow contrast beautifully with the dark, bare branches, while gentle shadows add depth and dimension to the scene. The iconic skyline of New York City rises in the background, subtly emerging through the wintry mist, highlighting the harmonious blend of nature and urban life. This artwork aims to convey Central Park's peacefulness and quiet elegance in winter, inviting viewers to experience the enchanting calmness of a snowy day in the heart of the bustling city.

Non-Credit Courses (DP102 Painting: Landscape and Cityscape Introductory )    30 x 40 x 1.5    €175.00   


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